In Plesni studio, Psihologija

Workshop hosted by Ana Jurenec and Miljan Nojič


How much do we allow ourselves to be moved from within or from outside? How much are we able to be connected with our soul, body and mind in order to be in harmony and fully express ourselves? Do we freely allow to be moved, to let music moves us and to honestly transform our creativity into the world? What moves us can be different for each of us and if we truly connect with our deepest self, than magic can start to happen…

Workshop is open for all kinds of movers, dancers and artist from different movement backgrounds and dance styles, for everyone that is interested in movement research, psychology or self growth. Welcome are also teachers and trainers from those or similar fields, solo dancers, dancers that are dancing in groups, pairs or formations.

We are here for everyone that is open to experience him/herself honesty and joyfully through body, soul, mind and energetic field. Holding space for each other with unconditional acceptance and love allows us to create a safe, warm and joyful environment for exploring and expressing freely.


17:00-17:45 Introduction
18:00-18:45 Connecting with myself (Ana)
19:00-19:45 How do I move? (Miljan)

10:00-10:45 Warm up (Miljan)
11:00-12:30 Dance movement therapy (Ana)
12:30-14:30 Lunch time
14:30-17:30 Private lessons/sessions
17:30-19:00 Music and movement (Miljan)
19:15-20:00 Dancing time (open space for impro/research/practice)
20:15-21:00 Stretching and relaxation (Ana)

10:00-10:45 Warm up (Ana)
11:00-12:30 Body language (Miljan)
12:30-14:30 Lunch time
14:30-17:30 Private lessons/sessions
17:30-19:00 Touch and movement – in the nature if weather is fine (Ana)
19:15-20:00 Dancing time (open space for impro/research/practice)
20:15-21:00 Stretching and relaxation (Miljan)

10:00-10:45 Warm up (Miljan)
11:00-11:45 Creative movement (Ana)
12:00-12:45 What moves me? (Miljan)
13:00-13:45 Conclusion
13:45-15:30 Lunch time
15:30-18:30 Private lessons/sessions


– WHOLE PACKAGE: 170 EUR per person (includes 17 group lectures of 45 minutes + 2 private lessons of 45 minutes (one lesson with Miljan & one psychology session or dance lesson with Ana)
For dance couples: 170 EUR per person (includes workshop + 4 private lessons/sessions)

For deeper process, personal growth and wider dance development, we recommend the whole package. There are also other possibilities:
– HALF PACKAGE: 110 EUR per person (includes 17 group lectures of 45 minutes)
– ONE DAY: 35 EUR per person


For participants also 20% discount on all massages in studio during the workshop.


Until Friday 26.8. on email: ana.jurenec@gmail.com or miljan.dance@gmail.com

Until 22.8. – EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: Price for whole package is 160 EUR per person and for half package 100 EUR per person
In application please send us information:

Application contains also a deposit of 20 EUR in advance that is not refundable. We will send you information about account after your application. The rest of the sum you will pay on the workshop.

After receiving your application, we will send you QUESTIONNAIRE that you will fill out and send us back. In that way we will better understand your situation at the moment, your aims and wishes for your dance and personal development. This will also help us with preparation for individual work with each of you.

Trough different styles of dance he started to connect knowledge, experiences and theories. He seeks inspiration in many different areas, such as musicology, psychology, history, physics and others. He combines all that knowledge in order to get a better understanding of the movement, its origins, expressional values, rhythmical structures and other aspects. Trough creative ways of approaching the dance, he helps dancers to allow themselves find their own ideas, feelings, emotions and natural body reactions. Those reactions can be indicated from within us (by feelings, impulses, sensations, thoughts, images in our mind, memories …) or from outside (by the music, dance partner, other dancers and variety of things from environment).

She is interested in connection between movement, dancing, music and psychology. By being a dancer and a psychologist, open doors for her to invite people into the world of moving and feeling beyond visible. She is helping people to gradually accept themselves more and more, which allow them to freely be and express through movement. In that way movement and dancing can become a healing process and the other way around: psychological healing can become a creative process and product. “What moves us?” is for her an infinitive question that opens new fields, within which she is always surprised of all the stories that our bodies hold. Those stories emerge inside of us as gifts, offered as a possibility to express them.

STUDIO EVIANA (body, mind, well being)
Studio Eviana was created as a place for self growth, healing and well being in many possible ways, depending on what is most supported for person at the time. It offers space for peace, acceptance, relaxation and expression. Different activities like dancing, yoga, pilates, trx, psychology sessions, therapies, massages, workshops (dance, art, self growth, nutrition, healthy lifestyle …) are happening in the studio. All is supported with clean intention on beneficial effects and inspiration for people to fully live their potential and positively contribute to the world.

Ana Jurenec
Sem magistra psihologije in profesionalna plesalka. Izvajam psihološke pogovorne seanse in poučujem ples (ples v paru, latinsko ameriške in standardne plese, salso, tango, izrazni ples itd.), nastopam in koreografiram. Prav tako izvajam plesno-psihološke delavnice ter individualne seanse. Opravljen imam tečaj klasične masaže. Izvajam: Pogovorne seanse, plesno psihološke seanse ter delavnice, tečaje salse in plesov v paru (latinskoameriški in standardni plesi), individualne plesne ure (za plesne pare, posameznike, poroke itd.), klasično masažo.
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